In the current economic climate, the instances of individuals and companies failing to pay their debts is increasing. When a debtor fails to pay a debt to you on the agreed terms, the debt becomes delinquent or in default.
Why do people default? Either because they are unable or are unwilling to pay their debt. Regardless of the reason, we can assist with legal recovery of debts owed to you or your business.
To influence the debtor to pay the debt or to recover the debt owed to you we can take the following legal steps:
Depending on the jurisdiction, you can make a debt claim up to 6 years after the debt became due. Once you obtain a judgement, the judgement can be enforced for 12 years after the judgement has been obtained.
Disclaimer: This article is for general understanding and should not be used as a substitute for professional legal advice. Any reliance on the information is strictly at the user's risk, and there is no intention to create a lawyer-client relationship from this general communication.
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SURFERS PARADISE | chinderah | Tweed Heads | Murwillumbah | Grafton
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SURFERS PARADISE | chinderah | Tweed Heads | Murwillumbah | Grafton
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